Nightflyers by George R R Martin - Book Review

"I accept what I am, but I did not choose it. I experience human life in the only way I can, vicariously. I am a voracious consumer of books, tapes, holoplays, fictions and drama and histories of all sorts. I have experimented with dreamdust."⁣⁣
I kind of love and hate this book  because it gives you an ephemeral bang of excitement and terror leaving you hopelessly wanting for more. I also think the story doesnt deserves to be a novella. It felt jam-packed and rushed. Maybe that's why the Netflix series. Can't  wait to watch.⁣⁣
If you can relate George Martin only with the world of Game of Thrones then maybe you should give this book a try or watch the series on Netflix as he has created a totally different world in this one about space expedition chasing some alien race called the Volcryn, and the mystery behind an elusive captain and the deaths of fellow members onboard Nightflyer, the spaceship. ⁣⁣
Surely not his masterpiece but definitely a fun and quick read for any sci-fi thriller/horror/mystery lovers. ⁣⁣


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