Book review | Think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill

Do you believe that there is such thing as the subconscious mind? I ask because some people think it's pure fiction. Are we at the mercy of random thoughts or are we in total control of our lives? 

Napoleon Hill says that the subconscious mind is the connecting link between the finite mind of man and infinite intelligence, the power of which can be tapped voluntarily through auto-suggestion. ⁣⁣⁣⁣

I read this amazing book in March 2020 and learnt some amazing stuffs about the power of the human mind. The book starts off with this powerful phrase "thoughts are things". How true is that. Everything starts from a single thought whether it's our feelings, emotions, perception and actions. It talks about the power of our subconscious mind and how to harness that potential to achieve anything in life. ⁣⁣

The book covers several steps necessary for acquiring wealth and achieving success in life including having a burning desire, complete faith, definite purpose, organised planning, specialised knowledge, persistence, etc.

I want to share four points discussed in the book which I found interesting as I have come across some of these points for the first time.
AUTO SUGGESTION: The author says that the subconscious mind is dependent on the conscious mind and respond to the dominant thoughts in the conscious mind. The dominant thoughts that we keep feeding to our subconscious mind immediately start translating into its physical equivalent, it says. 

The subconscious mind has the tendency to respond to only these thoughts which are emotionalized. With that knowledge, we can voluntarily send our desired thoughts repeatedly to the subconscious mind so that it picks up and act upon those thoughts to achieve the desired results. ⁣⁣

SEX TRANSMUTATION: The author says that sex emotion is the most powerful human emotions and when this energy is channelled into creative forms of expressions, a man can attain a very high level of achievements. 

He says that men seldom succeed before forty when sex energy is at its height because of over indulgence in its physical expression and not in other forms that enrich the body, mind and spirit. By the time men have learnt the art of sex transmutation, he would have wasted most years of his life. His views on how to use this energy intelligently was eye opening. ⁣⁣⁣⁣

⁣⁣⁣I think sex energy is overlooked and hardly talked about as an important factor for success in life. Do you agree? 

THE MASTER MIND PRINCIPLE: Just as a group of electric batteries provide more energy than a single battery, minds of two or more people when coordinated in harmony will provide more thought energy than a single brain.⁣
The author says that the human mind is a form of energy, a part of it being spiritual in nature. When two or more people come together with the same goal and purpose in a spirit of harmony, an invisible form of third mind is created which he calls the 'master mind'. ⁣
Master mind is a pool of knowledge created when two or more like-minded people come together in coordination and work towards a common goal. ⁣Having such alliance, council or community is important for growth because one can have access and gain from the increased knowledge from the pool. ⁣

ENERGY: But my biggest takeway from the book is understanding the power of this fundamental truth, 

"Energy cannot be destroyed. It can only be transformed from one form into another."⁣ 

I've heard this line since my primary school and because it sounds very scientific my layman's mind couldn't grasp the importance of it in real life. It was only when I revisited after I finished the book then I realised the significance of it. 

Successful people not only understand the importance of energy but also know that energy cannot be destroyed. Meaning energy including our emotions and thought impulses are going to get expressed in one way or the other. They make sure that it is expressed in a way that's positive/ creative because otherwise it will express itself in a negative way. 

While most men live their lives in complete oblivion of the vital role energy plays in their lives, successful people make use of it to their advantage.

OVERALL I think this book is exceptional. It will make you thought conscious and be more careful of the thoughts you're allowing into your mind. The book basically says you are in total control of your life and are responsible of what you are about to become. ⁣The book is focused on financial gains but the steps can be applied for almost anything you want to achieve in life.⁣⁣⁣
"Our only limitations are those we set up in our own minds."⁣ ⁣⁣⁣


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